Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Chicken Palace

I built a sturdy, spacious Chicken Palace because I can't stand flimsy, crowded outbuildings where you have to stoop and crawl to get in. The beams and nest boxes are made of Cedar and the floor is Cedar shavings. The rest of the Palace is used for storage of Garden equipment and firewood. I also have a large Stainless Steel sink for washing vegetables.

The chickens love to have greens pulled from the garden. They get some table scraps like fruit cores or left over bread.

My chickens are Buff Orpingtons. They are somewhat tolerant to people and are good layers.

This is the General. He is boss of the yard even to the point of blustering at me. When you scatter Scratch Feed, he lets the Ladies eat first and always watches the yard for danger. If you make a commotion the Ladies will run and get behind him.

The Chickens have their own toilet (not really.) This is the tank of an old toilet which is in open flush mode to a plugged plastic pipe, meaning that the pipe is full of water. When the Chickens peck at the red teats it releases a drop of water. This is the only constant water supply I have ever seen made from parts in my barn.

Steady supply of eggs. Although the Ladies are older now-a-days and don't produce as many eggs as they did 5 years ago. Buff Orpington eggs are quite large; one was 2 3/4 inches long by 1 3/4 inches diameter; could not close the lid on the egg crate.

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