Friday, February 10, 2017


One of our early troubles at Jubilee was the constant failure of electrical service. You might expect such in a rural, heavily wooded area; winds get up, trees start swaying, limbs breaking, power line down. Also, squirrels had a "death wish" and played across the terminals of the transformer; pop, squirrels flying thru the air, no electric service.

We are addicted to internet and TV, plus we have multiple freezers full of beef, chicken, pork, vegetables and precooked meals. We did not want to loose electric power, so I assembled a solar electric service. We have 18 panels on the roof, a power regulator, an AC distributor and a bank of serious, deep cycle, batteries.

The solar panels on the roof, tilted for good mid-day sun exposure.

Home-made regulator system. Solar panel input top right, DC to AC converter center  left, power meters center right (to monitor system status), DC battery input-output buss bottom right, AC output to house bottom center with insertable DC lamp on a cable. Also included is a thermostatic fan to remove heat on hot days.


The back screened porch stoop where the batteries are stored. Lots of DC power storage capacity. Room for more.

Inside the house is grey wiring and black duplex outlets to distribute AC power to important needs; kitchen, TV cabinet, freezer, etc.

After all that work to design, buy parts, assemble and make it work the electric company did a major line clean-up thus electric fails went from once a week to once a month. Overall, we never missed a TV show, did without internet or lost any freezer food.

Three things I would explain to people who get starry eyed about solar power: 1. If you use it all day everyday, you have nothing in storage for a 4 day emergency. 2. The more you attach to your electrical wiring the bigger your solar needs become. Best to not run every appliance at the same time. 3. There is no solar capacity at night, during a cloudy day or in Boston. Just don't assume that a thousand dollars of solar gadgets will cover your air-conditioning bill. Americans are being sold a load of bull-"chips" about solar power capacity. Reread the sentence about Boston.

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