Sunday, February 19, 2017

Take a Hike

Jubilee is a beautiful place to take a slow walk within the 12 acres. There is color all year long. Here are some photos which I have tried to place by date but arranging photos does not work well for Blogger. 

Peach tree. This is a variety which produces multi  color blooms but no peaches.


Daffodils. We have about 6 varieties of early blooming bulbs: Paper Whites, Coral Bells, King Alfred, White Daffodils, Yellow Daffodils and Green Double Blosoms.

More Daffodils. Don't know the name. They are everywhere, in the trees, along the driveway and beside the fences.

This is a native Pear Tree. Does not produce fruit but they are everywhere out in the woods, along with Mexican Plum.

A Crabapple Tree. Beautiful, long lasting blooms but a bit drought intolerant. They need some water so they must be kept close to the house.

Bluebonnets. My Aunt told me that we had to have Bluebonnets at Jubilee or people might think we were Yankees. She did not realize how difficult it is to grow Bluebonnets in Sandy, Acid Soil. Never-the-less we have persisted to the point that we have a small, annual patch of Bluebonnets.

Cactus is native to our area, but in decline due to weed eradication. We kept 2 small patches in an out of the way place. Also Spanish Bayonett. But, you must watch either one because they can spread and take over.

One of the Azeleas left by the original owners. I have planted plenty of new Azeleas that do not grow so I wonder how the first owners did it.

My favorite Dogwood. We have a few dozen of them but the drought has been hard on Dogwoods and Texas Red Maple, both shy, shade loving trees.

Standing Cypress. These guys just show up at odd times and odd places. I guess they are odd seeds in a general flower seed mix.

Brazillian Spider Lily. I dug up this sample near the river bottoms of Lake Hawkins.

The Wildflowers around the apron of the pond. I do not let the cows graze here so the flowers last all Summer and regenerate in the Spring.

Along with cactus we have a tiny patch of Palmetto which is native to our area but in decline because pasture development. There is no blossom that I know of but it is just as welcome at Jubilee as the bold bloomers.

One of the larger wild Pear with a Red Bud Tree trying to open in the background. We have lots of small Red Buds; they grow up everywere, very drought tolerant and eventually grow to size to bloom early in the Spring.

Blue Phlox.

Wildflowers down by Dam Pond. Lots of Drummond Phlox; Scatlet, Pink, White and variegated. In fact there are 4 different types of Phlox; some shade loving, some full sun.

There is a walking trail that goes around the property; in the woods, along the driveway and out in small openings. It is a pleasant walk, up hill and down, with benches along the way.

 And, just around the next turn is something like this.

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